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Spring Cleaning 2024

Spring Cleaning - Tech Recycling Tech Spring Cleaning Get rid of your old gear at Red Level's popular annual event! Tech Spring Cleaning is always one of our favorite events here at Red Level. There's nothing like the feeling of cleaning all of that junk that's been accumulating dust in the corner of your server room. Join us at our Novi office on April 18th from 10 AM to 2 PM. Swing by anytime to drop off your old equipment and enjoy some food, drinks, and networking. Stop by at 12:00 PM to discover cutting-edge business continuity and innovative strategies that pivot your business towards unparalleled solutions from Datto. Register Today! ...

2024-04-01T14:47:34+00:00By |

ClearPassEZQ from Red Level

ClearPassEZQ – The easy-to-use queueing app for smart and safe businesses Keeping Customers Safe with Reduced Waiting Times & Contactless Check-ins Venues, museums, retail stores, government offices, healthcare facilities, and many more organizations need a plan in place to conduct business safely. Social distancing, location capacity restrictions, and health screenings are now business challenges. Red Level designed the ClearPassEZQ app for organizations who need to provide a contactless check-in experience, capacity restrictions, and lower wait times. With ClearPassEZQ, you can conduct your organization’s activities with lower wait times for your customers, increased efficiency, and providing a safe place for your customers and employees. ClearPassEZQ gives your customers the ability to check in via a designated ...

2021-04-20T02:34:54+00:00By |

Cloud Security, Part I: Employee Risk

While the COVID-19 pandemic closed down much of society and work environments, one area that was blown wide open was security—in particular, cloud security. In this two-part series, we will examine risks to (and solutions for) businesses. This first part covers employee risk; because it can be the largest and most sensitive topic related to cloud security. Malware delivery continues to shift into the cloud, with 61% of all malware delivered via a cloud app. 36% of phishing campaigns target cloud app passwords and 13% of campaigns use phishing methods hosted in the cloud. Malicious Office documents increased by 58% in 2020 and now comprise 27% of all malware downloads, using cloud app delivery to avoid email and web security. ...

How to Choose the Right Managed IT Company

When looking for an IT company to manage your firm's technology, reading reviews is an excellent first step. We often choose our lawyers, healthcare providers, and even phone carriers based on word of mouth or reviews. Choosing an IT provider is no different. Start with reviews. Just don't stop with reviews. A company may have dozens of 5-star reviews yet be unable to service your firm. Some IT companies are specialized, while others may lack the necessary experience in your industry. We've compiled a list of IT-specific questions for you. These aren't questions you will get answers to out of a Google review. Some of them may not apply to your situation, but most will. You should be familiar ...

A Pandemic Push to Modernize Museum Collaboration with Microsoft 365

A Pandemic Push to Modernize Museum Collaboration with Microsoft 365 The pandemic pushed museums and nonprofits alike to digitally modernize at a moment's notice The Detroit Institute of Arts has implemented digital changes to help with internal struggles and bring patrons back into the museum. Hear how Richard Scott, the Director of IT at the Detroit Institute of Arts, developed game-changing apps and internal resources to keep things moving forward. Richard will share how they implemented touchless digital response stations and an exhibition queueing management app to safely welcome visitors without losing exhibition interactivity. Also, hear from Ryan Charnock, Red Level's Senior Collaboration Consultant, who helped ensure the DIA adopted the entire suite of apps ...

2021-03-10T19:01:58+00:00By |

Language and Artificial Intelligence Challenges

What article on artificial intelligence is complete without a linguistics joke? An esteemed professor of linguistics addresses his 101 class. "In English, a double negative is a positive. In Russian, a double negative is still a negative. But there are no languages we know of, where a double positive can be a negative." A kid in the back row scoffs, "Yeah, right." As machine learning becomes more commonplace every day, we encounter more obstacles. This article will explain some of the issues faced by companies analyzing Big Data sets, and the unusual challenges endemic to training machines to understand language, the written word, and how we communicate with each other. First, you need data Finding the right data is the ...

2023-02-16T16:01:20+00:00By |artificial intelligence|

The COVID ClearPass App for Restaurants and Venues from Red Level

COVID ClearPass App for Restaurants and Venues Helping Your Organization Stay Open and Keeping Your Customers Safe. The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed how we live, work, and interact. Social distancing, location capacity restrictions, health screenings, and contact tracing are now business challenges. Red Level designed the COVID ClearPassGo app for organizations who need to provide a contactless check-in experience and have a contact tracing process in place. With COVID ClearPassGo, you can conduct indoor activities with reduced liability, lower waiting times for your customers, quickly generate reports, and improve your contact tracing process. COVID ClearPassGo gives your customers the ability to check-in via your restaurant's ClearPass QR Code. The app allows your organization to ...

2022-05-17T18:00:32+00:00By |

5 Long-Term Tech Changes Set in Motion This Year

Another year, another technology roundup. However, this list, much like the past few months, is anything but ordinary. We’ve all had to work against the clock to develop new processes and protocols to keep our companies on track, even as the virus shut down offices and halted business travel. The disruptions have been numerous, but so have the technology solutions. This recap of 2020’s fastest-changing technology offers a look at how we’ve stayed nimble and productive this past year. Remote collaboration tools thrived Working from home can make collaborating and maintaining company culture challenging. Thankfully, remote work tools have stepped up to that challenge, creating more efficient and spontaneous work environments in the process. These WFH collaboration tools empower employees to go ...

2023-02-16T16:01:21+00:00By |Collaboration Solutions|