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TechKnowledgey: 2021 Readiness

New Horizons Presents - TechKnowledgey: 2021 Readiness Four Free Sessions in Four Days to Kickstart 2021. December 8th - 11th. Register Today. What are your big initiatives for 2021? Do they include cybersecurity, data utilization, team collaboration, or the cloud? Join us for TechKnowledgey: 2021 Readiness on December 8th - 11th for a series of free events featuring technical information and industry forecasting from subject matter experts. Four sessions in four days to shake off 2020 and get you geared up for a new year. Putting Cybersecurity in Context: What it Means to Secure an Organization in 2021 How to Use the Power Platform to Fight COVID and How You Can Use it to Drive ...

2020-12-07T04:53:46+00:00By |

Employee Tracking Webinar Thank You Registration Page

Thank You For Registering For The Importance of Employee Tracking Webinar The on-demand version of the webinar e-mail is on its way! Learn the best practices for returning to the new normal in our Importance of Employee Tracking in the New Normal Webinar with guest speakers from Bodman PLC. We will cover the latest guidelines and executive orders and what they mean for your organization, and how you can use technology to help keep your employees safe, compliant, and connected. Miss one of our webinars? Not to worry. Check out any of our past episodes below. Learn the best practices for returning to the new normal. We will cover ...

2020-09-25T12:58:53+00:00By |

ClearPass Thank You Registration Page

Thank You For Registering For COVID ClearPass Your COVID ClearPass e-mail is on its way! Thank you for registering to download COVID ClearPass. It is our goal to help organizations get their employees back to work safely using the best technology solutions available. We offer two distinct versions of the app for organizations of all sizes - a free version that integrates with your existing Microsoft 365 platform and a paid web app version that works great for users of G-suite and other e-mail platforms. Miss one of our webinars? Not to worry. Check out any of our past episodes below. Learn the best practices for ...

2020-12-08T15:04:37+00:00By |

Nine Ways to Ensure Your Company is Protecting its Employees

We all know the basics like hand-washing and social distancing, so let’s cut to the chase and talk about some topics (and solutions) you might not have considered. 1. You can’t change human behavior, but you can nudge it. The employee who was a germaphobe before quarantine began will likely continue to be the safest employee. The employee who throws dishes in the sink without washing them, and leaves empty containers everywhere will not likely change their behavior. Nothing will change here. Solution: That doesn’t mean you can make it easier for employee safety. Many companies are putting touchless hand sanitizer stations (like this one) at all entrances and in the shared dining areas. Others are requiring temperature checks upon entering. This ...

2023-02-16T16:01:21+00:00By |Application Development|

Ransomware Attack at MSU: Keep your company safe

While we're all focused on working through COVID in the real world, hackers are working their nefarious scams in the virtual world. Their latest target is close to home – Michigan State University. A ransomware attack infected MSU yesterday stealing student data, files, and financial information. Red Level has solutions to protect your clients, data, and reputation, but there are also several simple things you can do to stay safe: Apply patches and updates. Ensure that systems are up to date and that all software updates are installed. Double-check email addresses. Watch for unfamiliar names and domains, as well as ‘spoofed’ accounts pretending to be trusted contacts. Think before clicking. Don’t click or download suspicious or unexpected attachments, or visit ...

2023-02-16T16:01:22+00:00By |Ransomware, Security|

Tools & Resources for Returning to Work in Michigan

Michigan businesses have been given the green light to get back to work – but with many new rules, guidelines, and processes to ensure our workforce stays healthy and keeps the novel coronavirus from flaring up again. Enter the free COVID ClearPass app from Red Level which helps organizations fulfill many of these new safety protocols. On Monday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer released Executive Order 2020-91 – a new order addressing how Michigan business could emerge from quarantine and gradually resume in-person work. While some of these guidelines are specific to requirements for PPE (personal protective equipment) and social distancing, many of the new rules address capacity limits, employee tracking, and emergency communication – all things the COVID ClearPass app ...

COVID ClearPass App Webinar

COVID ClearPass App Webinar Register For Your Free Download! ClearPass Frequently Asked Questions The COVID ClearPass app from Red Level is designed to help you protect your workforce and protect your business as Michigan's economy restarts after the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. It helps you manage employee queuing/waitlisting, contact tracing, real-time communications, and location capacity limits to stay in compliance with the governor’s orders and CDC guidelines. The best way to learn about using ClearPass for your business is to attend one of Red Level's free webinars. Here are a few questions we're fielding from business leaders about using COVID ClearPass. ​The solution in this app uses Office connectors, therefore a ...

2020-06-26T13:34:07+00:00By |

COVID ClearPass App FAQ

COVID ClearPass App FAQ ClearPass Frequently Asked Questions The COVID ClearPass app from Red Level is designed to help you protect your workforce and protect your business as Michigan's economy restarts after the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. It helps you manage employee queuing/waitlisting, contact tracing, real-time communications, and location capacity limits to stay in compliance with the governor’s orders and CDC guidelines. The best way to learn about using ClearPass for your business is to attend one of Red Level's free webinars. Here are a few questions we're fielding from business leaders about using COVID ClearPass. ​We offer two versions of ClearPass to suit the needs of every organization – a free version integrates with ...

2023-06-06T18:51:29+00:00By |