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Elevate SharePoint Contant for Dynamic Experiences

Microsoft is enhancing SharePoint to help organizations create more engaging and visually stunning digital experiences. From branding to image and video editing, the focus is on elevating every aspect of site design. With features like the Brand Center and advanced editing tools, creative teams have full control over their content, ensuring it looks its best. Compelling Content Microsoft is enhancing SharePoint to help you create more engaging and visually stunning digital experiences. These updates focus on elevating every aspect of site design, including branding, typography, layout, images, and animations. This new design experience is based on the Microsoft Fluent Design System and will seamlessly integrate over time. Introducing the Brand Center The new Brand Center in SharePoint allows you to ...

Mastering SharePoint with Copilot

We're thrilled to introduce Copilot, Microsoft’s biggest leap forward in 22 years. Copilot combines advanced technology with your data, making it easier than ever to create top-notch SharePoint sites and pages. Simply describe what you want, and it'll guide you through the process while maintaining a focus on security and privacy. But that's not all! Copilot also transforms your existing content into eye-catching SharePoint pages, saving you time and effort. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with your organization's branding, ensuring consistency across all sites. Simpler Authoring with Copilot SharePoint has always aimed to make creating and managing sites easier for its users. We also understand that starting from scratch and collaborating with others can be challenging. That's why we're excited to ...

Unlocking SharePoint with AI-Powered Innovations

It’s no secret that SharePoint adoption is soaring. According to Microsoft, customers are adding over 200 petabytes of content monthly. This growth underscores SharePoint's role as the go-to platform for organizations seeking flexibility, scalability, and innovation in their digital workspace. SharePoint is also undergoing several exciting enhancements to simplify the authoring experience, make content more compelling, deepen engagement, and make the platform more flexible. The following four themes summarize these upcoming SharePoint innovations. Simpler Authoring with Copilot Microsoft is introducing Copilot in SharePoint, a revolutionary tool that leverages natural language and AI to streamline site page authoring. With Copilot, organizations will create SharePoint pages faster and easier than ever before. Collaborating in real-time with colleagues will be seamless, enhancing productivity ...

Transforming Collaboration and Productivity with Microsoft 365 Solutions

CASE STUDY: Transforming Collaboration and Productivity with Microsoft 365 Solutions Learn how Red Level transformed collaboration and productivity with Microsoft 365 solutions NeoPollard Interactive (NPi), a leader in North American iLottery solutions, identified opportunities to further enhance its internal operational efficiency and collaboration dynamics. NPi engaged Red Level to architect a comprehensive strategy that streamlined its operations and secured its future growth. The Challenges » Fragmented Internal Communication Channels: The absence of a unified platform fragmented the flow of information, complicating internal communication dynamics. » Absence of a Centralized Content Hub: Without a central repository for documents and data, the organization faced hurdles in efficient information retrieval and consistency. » ...

2024-04-22T20:56:37+00:00By |

Microsoft SharePoint Intelligent Intranet

Microsoft SharePoint Intelligent Intranet by Red Level Your intranet is the front door to your digital workplace. Create one your employees want to open with SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint reinvents the intranet with modern solutions for automation, collaboration, communication, engagement, and knowledge management. Today it's simple for any organization to have beautiful, fast intranet sites and pages that also look great on any device or screen. Ready-to-go intranet with Red Level and Microsoft SharePoint Enhance and discover the seamless integration and efficiency of using Microsoft SharePoint for more effective collaboration and information management. Streamlined Workflow with Automation Say goodbye to manual tasks eating up your time ...

2024-03-06T17:23:03+00:00By |

Mother of All Breaches: Unprecedented Data Breach Alert

Data breaches have become all too common, and the recent "Mother of All Breaches" serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist within our digital security frameworks. With over 26 billion records compromised from platforms like X, LinkedIn, and Dropbox, the magnitude of this breach is a wake-up call for individuals and organizations alike. Understanding the Breach This massive data leak, affecting millions globally, underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. Personal information, sensitive data, and confidential communications have been exposed, putting countless users at risk of identity theft, fraud, and unprecedented privacy violations. Immediate Steps to Take If you suspect your data might be compromised: Change your passwords immediately, ensuring they are strong and unique. Enable ...

Microsoft Licensing in the Cloud Era: What You Need to Know

Businesses across all sectors are leveraging the powerful capabilities of cloud services to transform their operations and stay ahead. Microsoft offers many robust solutions that require an understanding of their licensing models. It's imperative to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of Microsoft's cloud licensing to maximize your business' potential. A Shift to Cloud Licensing In the traditional on-premise model, Microsoft software licenses were typically bought outright and hosted on your own servers. However, the cloud model works quite differently. In the cloud era, Microsoft has moved towards a subscription-based model for most of its products. This shift means that you're essentially leasing the software. This option allows you to scale up or down based on your needs. A cloud license ...

2023-08-22T13:49:53+00:00By |Microsoft|