Cyber Security Services2024-06-27T04:42:30+00:00

Cyber Security Services and Solutions

Is your company ready for an attack?

You’ve seen the high-profile breaches. Major retailers, and even the federal government have fallen victim to hackers. But network security isn’t something that only large corporations have to worry about.

According to the KnowBe4 Data Breach Investigations Report, 61% of breach victims were businesses with under 1,000 employees and 41% of companies have over 1,000 unprotected sensitive files.

A breach at your business can ruin your business. That’s why Red Level offers solutions designed to protect your business, regardless of size.

Red Level’s IT Security Services

When it comes to cyber security, Detroit businesses can depend on Red Level to protect their company’s network. Here are a few of the security services that we offer:

Today’s workforce is becoming increasingly mobile. Your business may have staff working remotely and accessing documents from multiple devices. While this allows for great freedom, it also presents more opportunities for criminals to attack your network and steal data. Red Level uses Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility + Security to keep your network safe in a “work from anywhere” world.

Criminals from all the ends of the earth may attempt to breach your network at any hour. A managed security service provider is a sentry that never sleeps. Our MSSP offering includes cyber security services such as managed firewall, antivirus and vulnerability scanning. Red Level can keep your network secure, 24/7.

Healthcare facilities are major targets for hackers seeking personal data. There are many potential vulnerabilities to exploit in these networks. With the growth of electronic medical record keeping, facilities need a cyber security services partner dedicated to protecting their patients. Red Level will help you improve your technology while staying secure and compliant with HIPAA.

If your workforce doesn’t know how to spot cyber security risks, they may be more likely to become a victim. One bad decision can affect your employees, your customers and your bottom line. Red Level can reduce the risk of breaches by providing security awareness training. We’ll train your workforce on spotting and avoiding common attempts at intrusion.

What are you up against?

The strength and complexity of cyberattacks are increasing. It’s important to know what you’re facing.

  • Malware: Trojans. Viruses. Worms. All are forms of malware that can infect your network. Often malware comes with software downloads or email attachments.
  • Phishing: These attacks usually come in the form of emails requesting information. Phishing attacks can be difficult to detect because the emails appear legitimate.
  • Software vulnerabilities: Failure to update your software with the latest patch can open your network up to attack.
  • Ransomware: Malicious software encrypts all your files and won’t release them until a ransom is paid. These attacks have resulted in millions of dollars lost.
  • Denial of service (DoS): Attackers send large amounts of web traffic to your network until it is overwhelmed. Loss of service can prevent online access and disrupt business.

Many attacks can be triggered by something as simple as opening an email attachment. When getting breached is so easy, it’s important for businesses to stay prepared. Our network security services help prevent these attacks.

How much do cyberattacks cost?

The cost of cyber security can be incredibly high. Here are just a few examples of how cyber security issues can be devastating for your business:

  • An average malware attack costs a company $2.4 million (Source)
  • Average malware attack’s time cost is 50 days (Source)
  • In 2017, damages from ransomware exceeded $5 billion (Source)
  • Cybercrime damage is projected to hit $6 trillion (Source)

The costs are simply too great for any business to overlook network security.

How can Red Level help?

Red Level’s cybersecurity services provide you with:

  • 24/7 security monitoring
  • Firewall management
  • Reporting on attempted intrusions
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Penetration testing

Find out which IT security services are right for your business

Businesses in Detroit can depend on Red Level to protect their employees and their customers from cyberattacks. We have plans for companies of any size. Contact Red Level today to speak with an IT security expert about your company’s needs.