IT Solutions

20 Reasons to Choose Red Level for Your IT Solutions

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary at Red Level, we're proud to reflect on our journey and the milestones that make us a leading provider of IT solutions. Here are 20 reasons why partnering with Red Level is a great choice for your business: Two Decades of Experience: We've been in the IT industry for 20 years, continually evolving and adapting to new technologies Expert Team: Our team consists of certified experts who are passionate about technology and customer service. Comprehensive IT Solutions: We offer a full range of IT services, from cloud services to advanced cybersecurity measures, all tailored to meet your specific business needs. Award-Winning Services: Our consistent delivery of high-quality services has earned us multiple industry award, underscoring our commitment to excellence. Proactive Support:  We offer 24/7 monitoring and proactive support to ensure your organization is always running smoothly. Customized Strategies:  Each client is unique, and we provide ...


Tech Stack Showdown — Top Five Stacks Compared

Why might you want to read about tech stacks? We can think of two primary reasons: You're a developer. You want to keep current. Skip right to the comparison. You're not a developer. You have a digital project and want to understand what you're getting into. Stick with us a bit. We'll explain this in plain terms first. Section 1. Explanation What the heck is a tech stack? A tech stack is a set of tools, programming languages, and technologies that work together to build digital products or solutions like websites, and mobile or web apps. Some people call them Solutions Stacks, but it's the same thing. Netflix is built on a tech stack. So are Airbnb, Facebook, WebMD, Wikipedia, and just about any major digital tool or app you use. Stackshare is a great online tool to discover which tech stack a major company is using. Here is WebMD's ...



VMware’s vSphere 5.5 has served countless businesses, and many Red Level clients, exceedingly well. As a cloud computing virtualization platform, vSphere 5.5 placed features and functions that were undreamed of previously, and made managing complex hybrid cloud environments incredibly easy and effective. Our clients reported outstanding stability and security, and they came to count on vSphere 5.5 to a remarkable degree – and many have been more than a little reluctant to let it go. …


Meet The Team – James Graff Edition

Meet the people who make it happen at Red Level for our clients every day. James Graff is one of our Senior Account Executives. He has been at our headquarters for over 3 years. We asked James a few questions for you to get to know him a little better! What's your favorite restaurant?  "I don't have one specific favorite restaurant, but I do enjoy' a great filet. Cameron's, Grey Ghost and Fleming's are just a few of my favorites." What's your favorite pastime? "I enjoy both golf and hunting." Why did you choose to work in IT?    "I'm not sure! I went to school for Sales and Business Marketing, and I somehow ended up in IT."  Favorite sport? "It's hard to choose between football, golf and hockey because I enjoy them all."  What is your favorite vacation spot?   "When I was growing up, it was our family ...


Checklist For Evaluating Managed Services Providers

Think of the last business partner you selected for your company. Was it your accountant, attorney or financial advisor? Evaluating your IT consulting firm and even more specifically, your managed service provider is one of more important business decisions you'll make. The right managed service partner helps tobuild reliability and performance into your company’s IT environment – and takes problems and support costs out. A study by SpiceWorks done in November 2017, shows the budget breakdown by company size which states smaller companies are more likely to shell out more for managed hosting, while larger companies are more likely to invest in managed cloud infrastructure in 2018.  Here is the Managed Services budget portion breakdown for 2018: Managed hosting (12%), managed storage/backup (9%), managed hardware support and maintenance (9%), and managed security (9%).  What does it all mean?  Managed Services allow you to augment your existing IT staff and infrastructure by partnering with ...


You almost became the next Equifax. Did you even know? (Part 1 of 2)

While Equifax made global headlines with their cyber breach, IBM’s research has shown that small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are the targets of 62% of all cyber attacks. That equates to 4,000 SMBs daily¹ – or in more context, nearly 1 in 4 (24.33%) of U.S. SMBs (excluding nonemployers) annually. While an attack on your organization may not create global headlines, the impact to your organization and its’ employees could be devastating. If it extends to your customers’ information and records, it could negatively impact them and shatter your reputation. How devestating? I’ll share a real-world example. …


Here’s to Bright Ideas – And New Possibilities

As of today, Red Level is reaching an important milestone: We’re spending our last day in our old offices on Catherine Industrial Drive. Tomorrow, we begin a fresh, more expansive chapter in our story with our move to our new state-of-the-art offices in Novi. This new chapter takes us down the road to Grand River Ave. Our new offices are nearly triple the size of our former space, and boast not only a fresh new décor, but the latest game-changing technologies. I think we’re going to like it here. This move is the result of a lot of planning, a lot of deliberation, and a lot of hard work on the part of our team - and it signals a significant achievement for our company. Our growth hasn’t just pushed us beyond the capacity of our former quarters; it has progressed to the point that we can nearly triple the ...


2017 IT Predictions – What Can You Expect?

IT Predictions for 2017 As we wind our way towards the end of 2016, think back for a moment on some of what we’ve seen throughout the past year. There’s been the continuing ascendance of cloud services, particularly in terms of common business and consumer applications (thank you, Microsoft and Adobe). There’s the growing significance of advanced analytics. There have been an abundance of high-profile security breaches, entrapping big-box retailers and political campaigns alike. Mobile has continued to charge ahead, assuming ever-greater significance to companies and consumers alike. What there hasn’t been is any sense that the pace of change, or the degree of challenge, is lessening. Looking ahead to 2017, my first thought is that those of us in the IT sector are going to be kept pretty busy - and chances are good that many of us will have to accomplish more while getting by with less in ...
