Microsoft Solution Provider

Microsoft Teams Shortcuts

How often do you use shortcut commands such as Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V? Mostly likely a lot, or more than you can count. The truth is learning how to use to shortcut commands help us as users to familiarize with the system and use it. Same goes for Microsoft Teams! If you are struggling to find documents, things, or functions in Teams check our these shortcut commands. You may find they make it easier to embrace Microsoft Teams. Navigation- Alt +1 = Activity Alt + 2 = Chat Alt + 3 = Teams Alt + 4 = Meetings Communication- Ctrl + Shift +D = Decline Call Ctrl + Shift +S = Accept Call Other examples- Alt + E = Go to Search Alt + N = New Chat The command bar is another great tool in Teams that allows you to do some shortcut functions without typing ...


What’s The “Power” in Microsoft’s Power BI (Business Intelligence)?

There's been tons of buzz the last few years' about big data and cloud collaboration.  How can you, as a business owner, analyst or data interpreter, determine what data is good or bad for effective analytics and reporting?  Let's take it a step further, how can you make usable, actionable data available throughout an organization, enable opportunities for new services, and gain vital insights from fragmented and under-analyzed data? This is the 'Power' in Microsoft's Power BI!  Before we dig deeper, what is Microsoft's Power BI? Microsoft Power BI, or “business intelligence,” is an impactful cloud-based tool that transforms a company’s data into rich visuals for its employees to collect and organize so they can focus on what matters to them: getting access to the right information, spotting important trends, and reaching important milestones.   One way to look at Power BI is Microsoft Excel on steroids.  Once the raw data is loaded ...


The Yammer Hammer

Focus the Yammer’s purpose to communication, by removing file management features. I always keep my keys in the same place, on a hook at home, my backpack at work or my right coat pocket. With my daughter now driving, my car is taken out on a random basis, and my keys are often NOT found where I expect. However, with a few minutes of search, they are usually found. The issue is not the multiple drivers, it’s that there are multiple good places to store the keys at home. The Kitchen counter, the table by the front door, my daughter’s purse and our key rack at the back door. The same is true with Office 365 and file management. There are lots of good places to store files including SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, Groups and even Yammer. To reduce confusion, the number of options should be limited. So how do we ...


SharePoint Migration and History

I have a client who asked me “Will I lose historical content approval information if it is disabled, migrate in some files and then enabled it?” Specifically, can I... Migrate in new files to a library with the SharePoint Content Approval and publishing workflow configured. Don’t trigger the publishing workflow. There would be so many new approvals Default new files to the status of Approved Don’t lose historical versions and approval status. A simple test example was needed to try this out. Create a Document Library: I created a new Document Library with the following: SharePoint Version: SharePoint Online  App: Document library   Experience: Classic   Library Settings > Version Control > Content Approval: (Yes)  Library Settings > Version Control > Version Settings > Major and Minor Drafts:  (Yes)  Library Settings > Workflows > Approval – SharePoint 2010  > Triggered on:  Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item. (Yes)  Create Historical Data: Uploaded three test files  They all start ...


Building a Successful SharePoint ECM/ERM System in the Real World

If you listen to what is often said about SharePoint in enterprise records management (ERM), you might conclude that it is a mile wide and an inch deep.  In other words, the conventional wisdom seems to be that SharePoint has a broad set of capabilities in theory, but in practice lacks the depth of its competitors such as Documentum, OpenText, and Laserfiche.   But this comparison isn’t really fair, for three reasons:   SharePoint “out of the box” costs a fraction of what these other products do.  SharePoint’s competitors are often an amalgamation or “marketing bundle” of a variety of different products that have been purchased or licensed by the OEM, and often indifferently integrated with each other.  The implementation of “enterprise-class” ECM systems usually includes a consulting engagement, whereas SharePoint is often “thrown in” without the same level of forethought.   In reality, the reasons that ECM projects fail, whether on SharePoint or something else, ...


The Redmond Channel Partner Top 200: We’ll Feel At Home Here

Most of us are familiar with that special feeling that comes from time to time when you know you’re performing professionally at the top of your game. It’s beyond the sense of simply knowing you’re doing a good job – it’s the sense of hitting a home run, and being confident that you could immediately go out and do it again. That’s how I’m feeling about our Red Level team these days. Some recent news we received from Redmond Channel Partner, Microsoft’s knowledge-sharing site for Microsoft solution providers, is one of the main reasons why. We recently announced that Red Level had been named to Redmond Channel Partner’s “Top 200 Solution Providers” list, an annual index of the top 200 Microsoft solution providers in the USA. It probably sounds like “inside baseball” to anyone outside the IT field, but from our standpoint it’s pretty significant: The listing served as a ...


Microsoft Teams and Collaboration Tool Landscape

The Situation: Productivity continues to be on the radar of many companies. A copious amount of time is wasted searching for data, the increased volumes of email and the fact users are asked to collaborate with 2x more teams than they did 5 years ago all lend to lost productivity. This time lost hurts daily productivity. The ingredients that make up our business world are changing faster and faster. Will we find a tool that helps? The Solution: IT leadership is asked to provide a tool that can help facilitate collaboration in an engaging, socially interactive way. From: The Ultimate Guide to Chat-based Tools Evaluation of Existing Tools Microsoft has had a few products within the collaboration space. These and other third-party products have had various levels of success. Features fall into two major categories: Content: Management of content for reference, searching, and sharing. Communication: Connecting and communicating with ...
