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Windows 10 – Up Close and Personal

Operating system upgrades are scary things. After all, every time you update, you’re guaranteed of having to change the way you do things at the very least  - and in a worst case, you may find some new bug or limitation keeps you from doing what you want at all. If you’ve held up on updating to Windows 10 up until now, your reasoning is understandable, but it’s probably about time to give it some serious thought. I’d like to share my personal Windows 10 experience. It's been almost a year since I began using Windows 10 on my first device. I was skeptical at first. I had used Windows 7 for years without any real issues. I had tried ...

2023-02-16T16:01:53+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Michigan Needs to get Incentives Right When Competing for Tech Jobs

Jobs are important - everyone agrees about that.   Since technology jobs tend to pay well, add to the tax base, and encourage the creation of even more technology jobs, government officials across the country have gone to some great lengths to attract them to their states or cities.  Broadly speaking, there's nothing wrong with that; the investments politicians make in encouraging tech companies to set down roots pay off over time, and communities benefit over the long term as a result. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details - and sometimes the details make all the difference.  What happens when an incentive package creates an unequal playing field, placing local business at a disadvantage?  What happens when a new corporate arrival ...

2023-02-16T16:01:55+00:00By |datacenter|

FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE – Three Business Communications Issues And How IT Can Solve Them

“What we have here is a failure to communicate,” Strother Martin said in Cool Hand Luke back in 1968. And there’s a reason that line remains memorable four and a half decades later: Business communication problems are a big source of inefficiency and frustration, and when technology is involved, they seem to multiply the frustration – not to mention the impact. When it comes down to it, business technology is really all about communication. When that technology is inefficient, bogged down, poorly configured, dysfunctional, or just plain slow, you can wind up with “failure to communicate” on a grand scale. In Cool Hand Luke, they tended to solve communications issues by hitting people and smashing things. Fortunately, there are better methods available. All of them start ...

2023-02-16T16:01:58+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Crystal Clear Communication: Five Easy Tips of IT Pros

Do you ever feel misunderstood? Well, the bad news is that you might be. If you’ve been an IT professional for any length of time, you’ve probably seen the signs when you’ve dealt with non-IT colleagues. No matter how patiently you try to get an idea across, it seems like the other side just doesn’t get it.   Chances are, they probably don’t, and that can lead to problems.   Imagine being plunked down in a foreign country where you don’t understand the language. Well, chances are good that your non-IT colleagues feel like that sometimes when they’re dealing with IT people and issues. IT people are a special breed. Being successful in this field means that you’ve spent a ...

2023-02-16T16:01:59+00:00By |Uncategorized|

IT: What To Know Before You Grow

Your business is growing?  Great.  That's always a good thing, right? It is- until you suddenly find that the work you've got on your plate has gone beyond your capacity to perform it. Even boom periods create challenges for upcoming companies.  You may suddenly find you need more people, more equipment, and more space to handle that welcome upward trend.  But apart from investing in laptops or workstations for new personnel, many companies don't factor in the need for new technology, until the point that they abruptly learn that they need it. The truth is that company can outgrow its tecnology infrastructure in the same way it outgrows its physical premises. What was “just right” for a five-person shop is ...

2023-02-16T16:02:00+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Network Security: Be Prepared And Prevent Disaster

Despite a series of high-profile security breaches in the news, most businesses still treat their network security as a low-priority. As Red Level Networks president Dave King explains, "Security is kind of like a car crash: You and I both drive thousands of miles each year. You can't recall every trip to the grocery store and the doctor's office and your kid's school. But if you're in one car crash, that makes a huge impression." All too often, it takes that huge impression for business owners to take action on security. Red Level Networks is working to change that. Thinking About Security Before the Catastrophe Seeing someone else's data disaster is a lot like passing a wrecked car on the ...

2023-02-16T16:02:02+00:00By |Uncategorized|

IT Firm Red Level Networks Grows 30%

 IT firm Red Level Networks grows sales 30%, adds 9 jobs in Novi Last year was one of those years the folks at Red Level Networks will remember for a while, and for all the right reasons. "We had a great year in 2013," says David King, president of Red Level Group. "It was one of our biggest growth years in a while." The Novi-based IT firm grew its revenue by 30 percent and added 48 new clients. Those new customers are in the manufacturing, finance and healthcare industries, among others. "They're across all industries," King says. "Word gets around when you're good." Red Level Group has hired nine people in sales and marketing over the last year. It now has ...

2023-02-16T16:02:04+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Red Level Networks Becomes “Go Partner” with Dell

Red Level Networks was recently selected to be one of Michigan’s “premier” partners. This is tremendous news for Red Level Networks as we have been working our way up through the ranks for quite few years now. It is with great pride that I speak to this news because it means that Red Level Networks has been doing all the right things along the way. Becoming a vendors “go to partner” requires a different spread of requirements depending on the vendor. Red Level Networks made a big push in 2012 to become certified in numerous Dell technologies and now employs a large team of certified engineers in the Dell product line. These technologies include such items as Dell servers, storage, ...

2023-02-16T16:02:06+00:00By |Uncategorized|