Network Security: Be Prepared And Prevent Disaster

Despite a series of high-profile security breaches in the news, most businesses still treat their network security as a low-priority. As Red Level Networks president Dave King explains, “Security is kind of like a car crash: You and I both drive thousands of miles each year. You can’t recall every trip to the grocery store and the doctor’s office and your kid’s school. But if you’re in one car crash, that makes a huge impression.” All too often, it takes that huge impression for business owners to take action on security. Red Level Networks is working to change that.

Thinking About Security Before the Catastrophe

Seeing someone else’s data disaster is a lot like passing a wrecked car on the highway: It can trigger a momentary change in your habits, but as soon as you’re safely down the road, you quickly return to your old habits—some of which are unsafe. “That’s what it’s like with security,” Dave King notes. “Until a client has had that car crash—company downtime, a breach, a loss of sensitive data—there’s this sense that it doesn’t really effect them. We do a lot of education because we don’t want anyone to have to go through that.”

Automated backups, virus/malware protection, firewalls, good data management, encryption and remote hosting/virtualization all contribute to a comprehensive security approach that will protect you from both internal and external threats, as well as unpredictable flukes: big storms, leaky plumbing, spilled coffee, and plain bad luck.

Are You a “Safe Driver” When it Comes to Network Security?

A key concern for Dave King is being sure that businesses have properly integrated security in place. “Marketing hype portrays security as simpler and simpler,” he notes, “but it’s actually getting more complex underneath the hood, because so many systems have to work together. We help our clients formulate their custom security solution, and also manage it on an ongoing basis.”

That’s because network security, like safe driving, isn’t about getting one thing right. It’s about getting a lot of little details right consistently, on a daily basis. A well-designed IT system—like a well-designed car—makes it much easier to stay safe.

Next Steps

  1. Learn about our disaster recovery services.
  2. Learn more about Red Level Networks.
  3. Contact us to ask about a free consultation.

For more information about gaining a competitive advantage with digital transformation, contact Red Level today.

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