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What are your employees doing all day?

In this age of connection 24/7, information is everywhere. People are feeling more and more plugged in and the need to constantly be online is prevalent. This trend is being brought to work where the need to continually check on statuses, twitter feeds, posts, and other continual streaming create an addiction to information. A recent Study by Kansas State University estimated that employees waste 60-80% of their time at work "cyberloafing," referring to the unproductive time spent wasted on non-critical job functions related to surfing the web. Employers should actively monitor ALL internet traffic of their staff and ensure that work is truly being done. When we present a report to a business owner of the internet usage at his/her firm, he/she ...

2023-02-16T16:02:09+00:00By |Uncategorized|


Good afternoon readers, I'd like to share a bit of local event news with you. On Feb. 21st, Automation Alley, Michigan’s largest technology business association, will be hosting its annual IMPACT business conference. This will be Red Level’s second time attending this conference. Automation Alley is a wonderful host, bringing together a variety of business professionals for networking, refreshment, and a chance to learn best practices at its breakout sessions. In fact, the topics and speakers for these breakout sessions were announced today via press release on Automation Alley’s website. We invite you to come visit us on Feb. 21st as we mingle around. We’ll also have a booth set up with representatives ready to share the latest happenings with Red Level. ...

2023-02-16T16:02:09+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Breaking into the Blogosphere

Hello and welcome to the new Red Level blog. Here’s where you’ll find the latest and greatest news on everything tech. Be on the lookout for biweekly postings, including tips and tricks, relevant articles, question and answer sessions, and even a joke or two. Plus, every week we’ll post a Friday Feature with cool product/service updates or interviews with Red Level employees (yes, we can be regular stand-up comedians when we’re not hunkering down in a server room). So bookmark this blog or email it to a friend/colleague, and let’s get the ball rolling on news at Red Level. Of course, we’d love getting your feedback on Red Level and this blog; please give us a shout-out through our online ...

2023-02-16T16:02:09+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Red Level Networks To Host Joint Storage Virtualization Seminar in Livonia

DataCore, Nexsan, and Red Level Networks Share Storage Technology Novi, Mich., November 15, 2012 – Red Level Networks, a premier IT-solutions provider, is hosting a joint educational seminar with DataCore and Nexsan on December 6 at New Horizons Computer Learning Center in Livonia, MI.  This complimentary event will provide an overview of storage virtualization and the joint solution from DataCore and Nexsan that results in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Red Level Networks is a partner to both DataCore and Nexsan and has obtained several industry certifications since its founding in 2004.  Business and IT professionals who want to learn more about DataCore auto-tiering, thin-provisioning and adaptive caching along with Nexsan efficient storage architectures  are encouraged to attend. Both existing users of storage ...

2023-02-16T16:02:10+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Red Level Named One of the 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in Metropolitan Detroit for the Third Year in a Row

Red Level announced today its designation as one of “Metropolitan Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For.” This honor recognizes the company’s commitment to excellent human resources practices and its dedication to employee work-life balance. The Michigan Business and Professional Association (MBPA) will recognize Red Level and other honored companies on Thursday, September 27, 2012, at the Henry Hotel in Dearborn. Industry Leaders in Innovation and Growth Companies from various industries, such as automotive, insurance, hospitality, information technology, communications, and nonprofit organizations, received this award. Innovative strategies, business growth, and best practices in human resources set Red Level apart as a standout company. Evaluation Criteria The MBPA evaluated companies on various criteria, including: Compensation, Benefits, and Employee Solutions ...

2024-06-26T18:19:40+00:00By |Awards|