Red Level named as one of “Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” for eighth consecutive year
Not to be arrogant, but we kinda thought this might be coming.
For the eighth year in a row, Red Level’s been named to the National Association of Business Resources’ Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For list. That makes us very happy, just as it has for each of the last seven years – even if we aren’t completely surprised. In all honesty, any well-run business should have at least some idea as to how well it’s performing according to a variety of metrics beyond dollars and cents. To our way of thinking, one of these has to be employee satisfaction.
In our view, it simply makes good business sense to make sure that the people you hire enjoy what they do, enjoy where they work, have opportunities to learn and grow within their roles, and are rewarded appropriately for their diligent efforts. That’s how good teams are formed, how companies are made more stable and effective, and how businesses grow and prosper over time.
Creating that sort of team and that sort of company was our goal from the outset. Since the very beginning, we’ve tried to create a workplace that enriched and empowered our employees. In our business, it’s important to have the best possible people on staff – the technology work with is too complex, and our clients’ needs too critical, to have anything less than the most skilled and committed people. It’s absolutely essential that we create the kind of working environment that such people want to be in and stay in. When you lay the groundwork for creating that kind of workplace, a wonderful thing happens: The people you attract to work with you compound and accelerate that effort, bringing their own ideas and their own commitment to excellence to work with them – and making the workplace even more inspiring, engaging, and productive. That’s exactly what’s happened in our case. Over time, we have assembled a tight-knit, world-class team of experts who people enjoy working with, and who enjoy working with each other. Together, we’ve created a workplace grounded in collaboration and mutual support, comprised of professionals who are invested in each others’ success as well as their own.
Our success in becoming one of Detroit’s Best and Brightest is attributable to our people – the brilliant group of committed, collegial professionals who’ve done so much to generate success for this company and our clients. Being honored again tells me that I still have just as much reason to be proud of our folks for all they are and all they do. Together, they’ve made Red Level a great place to work, and their ideas and insights have created a culture where new thinking and new approaches can flourish. I believe that that opens the door for us to build even further on our success to date, and it will be the foundation for achieving even greater things tomorrow. I thank the NABR for this recognition – but I thank our incredible Red Level team for making it happen.
Related: We love technology and helping our clients succeed. We also love to have a little fun at the office. Here’s a fun video (and funny blooper reel) we put together to celebrate being named one of Metro Detroit’s 101 Best & Brightest Companies and the season finale of Game of Thrones.
For more information about gaining a competitive advantage with digital transformation, contact Red Level today.
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