cloud adoption

Migrating to Azure with Confidence

You’ve already envisioned the benefits: you know migrating to a cloud-based hosting platform can boost the performance of your organization’s computing infrastructure. You can see how it’ll improve efficiency, save time, and reduce costs. And you’re prepared to join the hundreds of thousands of other businesses, large and small, that have already chosen Microsoft Azure for its service quality, security, reliability, and global reach. But there’s no getting around it: migrating to the cloud entails significant organizational change. To make the best possible use of the Azure platform, you need to understand its unique attributes and keep them front of mind throughout the migration process, and beyond. Fortunately, Microsoft offers an extensive set of tools and services that can help ease and simplify migration. And as a Microsoft partner with extensive experience helping our clients shift existing applications to the Azure platform, Red Level can ensure that you’ll take advantage ...


Top 5 Infrastructure Trends for 2019

We’ve bid 2018 farewell and welcomed 2019 with open arms. So what's next? What’s going to happen in 2019 from an infrastructure perspective? The answer for 2019 is similar to that of recent years. Cloud and security are still the top priorities. Let’s take a quick look at what may impact your infrastructure focus. 1. Exchange Migration Migrations from Exchange on-premises to Exchange online and upgrades from older versions of Exchange to the latest version are both projects going strong in 2019. We continue to support our clients who are going through these Exchange migration and upgrade processes and predict that Exchange migrations, upgrades, and support will continue to be a trend with our clients. 2. Multi-Factor Authentication To add additional security, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides one or more additional forms of authentication for users when they log into company resources. Traditionally, users would log into their computers or other ...


Red Letter IT Newsletter – November 2018

MEET THE TEAM:  Helpdesk Manager, Hayley Sargent  Hayley Sargent leads Red Level's Helpdesk team as they wrangle technical issues and support the IT needs Detroit area business. TECH NEWS:  What is Cloud Computing? If you aren't taking advantage of cloud computing, or don't know how best to implement it, we've written this guide to help you. THANKSGIVING:  Happy Thanksgiving from Red Level A few members of our team of IT pros at Red Level sit down to share their favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner plus some of the reasons they are feeling thankful this year. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION:  What Digital Transformation Means for Your Business Mike Balatzis, Red Level's Microsoft Manager, talks Digital Transformation and what it really means for business owners and executives. FOOTBALL PICKS:  Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Football Predictions Red Level shares a few of their predictions about the upcoming game between the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears on ...


For Unprepared Businesses, Opportunities and Revenues are Gone with the Wind

It’s been a cold, dark few days for hundreds of thousands of Michigan residents – and a costly one for countless area businesses. Since the windstorms of March 8, it’s been hard to drive through any area of southeast Michigan without encountering disabled traffic signals, the sound of emergency generators, and scores of shuttered businesses. According to the Detroit Free Press, the storms’ 60 mile per hour wind gusts resulted in the single largest weather-caused power outage in Michigan history, with over 1 million Michigan homes going dark – as well as countless businesses. Even as crews work around the clock to restore service, nearly five days later, almost 100,000 homes and businesses remain powerless. The public hazard posed by the outage is obviously the most consequential consideration. The economic cost to companies – and ultimately to the regional economy – is not inconsiderable, however. It’s worth noting that the ...
