IT- Not Just Infrastructure Solutions and Services

Rethink IT- and Really Put it to Work

What does technology do for your business these days?  Without a doubt, it does a good job handling a variety of essential, routine functions: record keeping, reporting, communicating.  You might ask yourself, though, if it is fulfilling it’s potential in actively working for your business-and getting it to do so might require a bit of rethink.

Forrester Research has already done a lot of deep thinking about exactly that.  They advocate for the title of “Business Technology” (BT) as a replacement for ” Information Technology.”  The idea is that IT no longer simply supports business activities, it has become a vital business activity in itself, and has an essential role to play in winning, serving, and retaining customers.  The Forrester “Business Technology Agenda” is Red Level’s road map for successfully making that transition.  Like all modern companies this requires a shift-from traditional IT infrastructure and services into a strategic, technology, for business mindset.

We might differ with Forrester on some points, but here at Red Level we view things from similar vantage point.  Through our work with countless clients, we’ve seen how technology progressively takes a larger, more central role in companies’ core business, and companies that make a substantial and appropriate technology investment tend to be much more successful than those that don’t.  Forrester’s studies have clearly demonstrated this trend.

It’s one thing to have this knowledge, and another thing to act upon it.  At Red Level, we’ve been ahead of the curve when it comes to creating our own BT environment.  Sure, technology, tech strategy, and related services are what we sell-but they are also what we do, and they shape every aspect of how we conduct our business.  We make sizable investments in our own technology infrastructure, including hosting on our own Mi-Cloud IaaS.  Our teams are active, knowledgeable, and highly engaged, and as our steadily mounting roster of certifications shows, we continually build upon these qualities.  Our recent naming of ” Metro Detroit 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” for the sixth successive year gave us some nice outside validation of our approach.

Ultimately, though, the proof is in the performance. Red Level is doing well- really well- and growing all the time.  We get to see firsthand how our internal approach to business technology has a transformative effect upon our business. Like Forrester, we’re betting that a BT mindset is going to the most common shared trait in high-performing companies in the industries in the future.

For more information about gaining a competitive advantage with digital transformation, contact Red Level today.

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