microsoft 365 business

Upgrade Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams

On July 30th Microsoft formally announced that Skype for Business Online was going to be retiring and a lot of our clients have been reaching out to us wondering how this will impact them. “We aren’t ready for Microsoft Teams.” “We don’t know what Teams is.” “We use Skype, what do we do?” We can help you answer those questions and concerns. Microsoft has shared that Skype for Business Online is going to be retired on July 31st, 2021. Which gives you plenty of time to learn and implement Teams into your organization. However, after that date, the Skype for Business Online Service will be completely inaccessible. As of September 1st, of this year all new Office 365 customers are going to be directly using Teams for chat, meetings, and calls. A disclaimer that we want to make sure you know is the Skype consumer brand, product, and Skype for ...


Digital Transformation and What it Really Means for Business

It's impossible to pick up a business magazine or read an IT blog without seeing "Digital Transformation" in the headlines. And while it's garnering a lot of ink and pixels, many professionals aren't quite sure what this means for their business. When we need technology answers, we go right to Mike Balatzis. He's Red Level's Microsoft Solutions Manager and besides being a nice guy with a big brain, he talks in plain English so even the non-geeks can understand. We peppered him with a few questions about Digital Transformation and what it really means for business owners and executives. Here's the scoop. What is the Digital Transformation? In simple terms, every business is a Digital Business and the importance of technology as a driver for business value has never been greater. This is especially important when there is an outage or another business impact. Everyone wants the ability to connect ...


Red Letter IT Newsletter – June 2018

There's nothing like jumping right into a summer heat wave!  With sunblock, beaches, parks, and vacations, let's take a look at these 5 quick but important IT stories you should know about: MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS - BETTER WORKFLOWS & PROCESSES: Detroit Wallpaper Engaged with Red Level to Implement Powerful Tools to Consolidate and Simplify Everything from Finanical Data to Sales Presentations "I would say that we have probably reclaimed at least 10–15 percent of our budget by preventing waste through timely collaboration." (Andi Kubacki, Co-Founder, Detroit Wallpaper) TECH NEWS: Save Money & Time in Your Journey to The Cloud Learn how reserve instances, automation, auto shut down features, and more can give you smart strategies for better security, performance, and cost savings. BLOG: Red Level Expands Datacenter Presence = More Flexibility, Choices, Power, & Protection Datacenter capacity doubled in Grand Rapids for expanded services and advanced solutions like added redundancy and data security. ...
