Breaking into the Blogosphere

Hello and welcome to the new Red Level blog. Here’s where you’ll find the latest and greatest news on everything tech. Be on the lookout for biweekly postings, including tips and tricks, relevant articles, question and answer sessions, and even a joke or two.

Plus, every week we’ll post a Friday Feature with cool product/service updates or interviews with Red Level employees (yes, we can be regular stand-up comedians when we’re not hunkering down in a server room).

So bookmark this blog or email it to a friend/colleague, and let’s get the ball rolling on news at Red Level. Of course, we’d love getting your feedback on Red Level and this blog; please give us a shout-out through our online web form here with any comments or suggestions on what you want to see discussed or showcased in the future.

Until next time friends…

Lenore Brown, Marketing Assistant, Blogger

Red Level Networks

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