A Cloud Service Provider That WANTS To Talk To You

We’re all moving our data to the cloud—our music, our email, our family photos, the software that runs our lives. The cloud makes it easier to do more with less effort. But as anyone who has ever had a problem with their Gmail or iTunes accounts can attest, the clean-and-easy cloud future has one big, dirty secret:

Big cloud service providers do not want to talk to you.

Dave King, president of Red Level Networks, chuckles as he explains. “It’s true. I don’t even think they’ll give you a 1-800 number. Companies like Google and Amazon, they’re excellent hosts, but they honestly don’t want to talk to you, as a customer. They’ll give you all the resources you want, and it’ll work if you can make it work on your own. But God forbid you have a question—and we all know that there are lots of questions.”

Dave King wanted to offer something different: A cloud service provider that goes out of the way to collaborate with customers in finding the best solutions.

Mi-CLOUD Basics

With Red Level’s Mi-CLOUD hosted infrastructure, customers no longer worry about maintaining local servers for mission-critical and productivity applications. You have your basic PCs on your desks and a reliable Internet connection, and Red Level Networks manages the servers and applications at their datacenter, scaling up performance as need dictates. When your business grows—demanding more RAM, storage, or processing power—Red Level can upgrade your system with the click of a button, no screw-driver needed.

Downtime and outages are largely eliminated when your infrastructure is hosted at the Mi-CLOUD datacenter. If a computer dies at your office, a worker can hop over to a spare laptop, log back in, and continue working with little interruption and no data loss.

Exceptional Flexibility for Small and Medium Businesses

Working with customers to find solutions is what puts Red Level Networks head-and-shoulders above the Silicon Valley Goliaths. “A lot of big companies simply can’t do what we do, because there are so many limitations and restrictions on their hosting. Our customers need flexibility. For example, one major cloud service only supports 64-bit applications. Our customers don’t always have 64-bit applications. They may have some old 32-bit applications they’re still using.”

In one case, a manufacturing client relied on a 16-bit application controlling their automated assembly lines. By software standards, it was an ancient piece of code. But this client still needed that software on a daily basis, and they could not afford to shut down their operations and try to find someone who could hack together a 64-bit solution that complied with a Fortune 500 cloud provider’s expectations. Fortunately, just making things work—so that his clients can focus on their businesses—is where Dave King and Red Level Networks excels.

“That’s why we brought that flexibility to the remote hosting market, because we’ve seen it time and time again: Our customers are not cookie-cutter. They’re all different, and we built our hosting solution around that.”

Next Steps

For more information about gaining a competitive advantage with digital transformation, contact Red Level today.

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